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Case Study: Genial Investimentos increases client conversion by 30% with HubSpot and WhatsApp integration by NA5

Case Study: Genial Investimentos increases client conversion by 30% with HubSpot and WhatsApp integration by NA5

Case Study: Genial Investimentos increases client conversion by 30% with HubSpot and WhatsApp integration by NA5.

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WhatsApp is the major communication channel in Brazil. Virtually all smartphone users in the country have a number linked to WhatsApp, and about 93% of them use the app daily.

As it offers the main relationship environment among Brazilians, companies have started an actual “race” to offer service through this channel.

However, the few solutions on the market capable of integrating WhatsApp with other service & management platforms have caused many managers to lose control over their operation in the app.

Genial Investimentos was seeking a technology to integrate WhatsApp in its lead qualification processes, operated by the HubSpot Sales Hub.

The aim was to offer its customers personalized and scalable service via WhatsApp, so that conversations could be automated and registered on its HubSpot CRM.

About Genial Investimentos


Genial Investimentos is an investment platform aimed at democratizing access to the financial market through content and knowledge.

With more than 300 thousand customers and 200 accredited offices, the platform totals 40 billion assets under management.

Challenge nr.1: sending automatic WhatsApp messages via HubSpot's Workflow

Genial's lead qualification operation requires filling complex registration forms. As a result, part of the newly captured contacts gets lost amid the steps that precede the opening of the account on the platform.

The company wanted to use WhatsApp's relevance to reduce its loss rate in the qualification process stages.

However, due to the large volume of contacts inserted in this flow, it was essential to use the automation of WhatsApp messages and the automatic distribution of leads for individual conversations (also via WhatsApp), based on the triggers of its workflow already established.

Since all its contact registration and qualification operation were configured in HubSpot's Workflows, WhatsApp messages needed to be integrated into this system.


The solution found by Genial was to invest in the integration of the official API of WhatsApp Business and HubSpot: the NA5 Platform.

HubSpot Impact Awards 2020 - Integrations Innovation

The integration allows HubSpot Workflows to trigger WhatsApp messages and distribute among its agents the conversations initiated on these channels.

With this, more elaborate Workflows have been created, using WhatsApp messages to encourage contacts to finish their registration on the platform.

HubSpot and WhatsApp integration testimonial - Luciano Faustino

The company has also created individual service offerings in its qualification flows. When a contact chooses to speak to an attendant, HubSpot contact is automatically forwarded, and all the qualification happens directly through WhatsApp.

Exemplo de Workflow da NA5 com envio de WhatsApp na régua de relacionamento.

Example of NA5 Workflow with WhatsApp message in the relationship rule

Challenge nr.2: Offering customer service via chatbot on WhatsApp

The company's second challenge was to offer services to customers who came via WhatsApp. The expected volume of daily messages required automation, in this context, chatbots that could filter and segment conversations, and offer quick responses.

But, as Genial has different types of customers with access to different services, chatbots were needed to send personalized messages based on each customer’s information registered on its HubSpot CRM.


NA5 Platform uses Twilio Flex to create conversation flows from WhatsApp chatbots, based on any contact feature in HubSpot’s CRM.

The Twilio platform is also used in the development of the interface in which agents communicate through WhatsApp and access all contact information registered on HubSpot’s CRM – on the same page.

Exemplo da interface de atendimento com a integração de WhatsApp e HubSpot da Plataforma NA5

Example of the service interface with the NA5 Platform WhatsApp-HubSpot integration

With this technology, Genial has been able to offer assistance through fully contextualized chatbots, providing specific services and exclusive conversation flows for its different customer profiles. This is all done through WhatsApp, 100% automated and integrated with HubSpot’s CRM.

Customer experience has become much more positive; there has been considerable growth in response time and customization of WhatsApp conversations. And the operation has become more efficient, as automations allow to escalate conversations without necessarily expanding the team of agents.

Challenge nr.3: Managing WhatsApp conversations

Besides scaling up its WhatsApp operation, the company wanted to register all conversations on this channel. After all, having access to the history of conversations initiated by WhatsApp is the only way to guarantee the management and auditing of conversations.

For an even deeper analysis, Genial also wanted to understand the influence of customer service on the behavior of leads and customers.

So the records of all WhatsApp conversations had to be stored in their CRM, which allows to map and list all the actions taken by the contact.


The NA5 Platform ensured that all messages sent and received on the company's WhatsApp number were automatically recorded on HubSpot's CRM.

This has provided a complete view of the brand's relationship with its audience and a more in-deep analysis of the behavior of leads and customers after WhatsApp conversations.

Outcomes of the HubSpot and WhatsApp integration case study

After the HubSpot and WhatsApp integration, Felipe Salgado, Genial Investimentos Growth Marketing Manager, says: "We have managed to recover about 30% of customers who discontinue their registration process every month through active WhatsApp messages."

Genial Investimentos saw its recovery rate of abandoned registrations grow by 30% in less than a month!

HubSpot and WhatsApp integration testimonial - Felipe Salgado

The customer experience has also improved, as they can now chat with the company through their favorite relationship channel: WhatsApp.

Sales and Customer Service operations had a considerable productivity gain, due to the automation and chatbot services that removed the “weight” of repetitive manual actions from employees and left them focused on what really matters: building lasting relationships.

Genial has used WhatsApp strategies to enhance its operation and created smarter, more efficient and scalable ways to qualify its contacts.

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